1. Company identity and description of products/services

IMPKONSEPT S.R.L. based in Sat Valea Adanca, Comuna Miroslava, Str Morarilor, Nr.21, Judet Iasi, registred at the Trade Regidter Office under no. J22 /1881 /20.06.2017, CUI 3779389, called WOODENECO selling and across Romania light fixtures made out of wood.

2. Clarifications:

Seller: IMPKONSEPT S.R.L. cu sediul în Sat Valea Adanca, Comuna Miroslava, Str Morarilor, Nr.21, called WOODENECO selling and across Romania light fixtures made out of wood.

User: Every person visiting the website woodeneco.com

Client: Every individual or entity that makes an order on the website woodeneco.com or any other affiliated webpage and that is the property of IMPKONSEPT S.R.L.

Products: Every product or service mentioned in the placed order by the user and that will be delivered by the seller to the client.

Order: An electronic document done between the seller and client, in which the client is expressing his intention of buying certain products or services and then pay for them.

Contract: A confirmed order by the seller, in which the seller is giving agreement to sell and deliver the products and services, and the client agrees to buy, receive and pay for the products and services provided.

Courier: Any person that gives fast delivery services.

3. Content – intellectual property rights (IPR)

The website’s woodeneco.com content: Images, texts, web graphic design elements, is entirely the property of IMPKONSEPT S.R.L. and its providers and is protected by the law regarding copyright and other laws associated and by the laws regarding the intellectual and industrial property. Usage without the consent from IMPKONSEPT S.R.L. of any element mentioned earlier is punished in accordance with the legislation in force.

4. Disclaimer

IMPKONSEPT S.R.L. does not guarantee that the website, the servers that is hosted on, or the e-mails sent from woodeneco.com are virus free or other malicious software, that it does not contain errors, omissionsm defects, delays or interruptions when operating or transmitting, outages or any similar factors. The user is navigating the site on their own risk, woodeneco.com being free of any liability for the possible immediate or indirect damage caused by using or accessing/visiting the website or by using the information on the website. IMPKONSEPT S.R.L. is not liable for the errors or ommissions that might intervene when editing or viewing the materials on the website.

The information included on the woodeneco.com is informative and is made available in good faith, from sources that the Seller considers reliable. If any of the published articles or any other information falls under the incidence of the Law on copyright and related rights, the User is asked to bring this fact to the seller's attention to the address legal@woodeneco.com, in order to be able to take the necessary legal measures.

Woodeneco.com reserves the right to cancel orders for Products and Services that are displayed on the site as a result of technical errors, or that, due to technical errors, have obviously erroneous / derisory prices for products (prices that any buyer with an average level of preparation can appreciate as erroneous / derisory).

Woodeneco.com, as organizer of the promotional campaigns, does not assume responsibility for the losses or damages of the campaign voucher, is not responsible for the falsified or damaged vouchers and reserves the right to cancel the voucher used for purchase or to deduct its value from the value to be reimbursed, in case of return according to the law, of a product participating in that campaign.

Any links to other sites are provided only for the purpose of increased accessibility of information, and woodeneco.com assumes no responsibility or liability for the content of these sites, for the products or services promoted or marketed through these sites.

IMPKONSEPT S.R.L has a limited liability regarding certain technical problems with the site, for example non-operation or erroneous information, loss of data if the user has shared his password.

5. The rights and obligations of the seller::

IMPKONSEPT S.R.L reserves the right to modify at any time the content of the site and the page of "Terms and Conditions" without notifying the users, not to post certain comments on the site that may be harmful to the company's image, to suspend accounts and other mentions appropriate to the activity.

6. Rights and obligations of the buyer :

The buyer has the obligation not to provide false information, not to alienate the account (especially the password), the right to modify or delete the user's account for specific reasons.

7. The processing of personal data

IMPKONSEPT S.R.L. is registered in the Register of Personal Data Controllers.

The data collected on newsletters is confidential

According to Law nr. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, amended and completed, and Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, woodeneco.com has the obligation to process safely and only for the specified purposes the personal data provided by the Users.

The purpose of collecting personal data is: economic and financial management, advertising, marketing, advertising, statistics, electronic communications services, informing Clients about the situation of their account on the woodeneco.com, informing Clients about the evolution and status of Orders.

The completion by the Users of the forms on the site is equivalent to the unconditional acceptance that these data to be included in the database of the woodeneco.com and with the use and processing by the woodeneco.com, their affiliates and collaborators for carrying out the activities listed above, including, but not limited to, providers of marketing services, courier, payment / banking services.

Clients are guaranteed the rights provided by Law no. 677/2001 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, respectively the right to information, the right of access to data, the right of intervention, the right of opposition, the right not to be subject to an individual decision, the right to appeal to the courts in case of violation of its rights. Clients have the right to request the total or partial deletion of personal data. The Client may request any of the rights listed above based on a written, signed and dated request, submitted to IMPKONSEPT S.R.L. at the address legal@woodeneco.com.

The refusal to provide these data determines the impossibility placing an Order.

If the Customer changes by using the forms on the site the personal data already delivered to the woodeneco.com and there are Orders in progress, the Orders keep their data from the moment of placing the Order and the delivery of the products will be made taking into account the newly modified data.

woodeneco.com does not request from its Users by any means of communication (phone / e-mail, etc.) confidential information, data about bank accounts, personal passwords, etc. If the User discloses them to third parties, he has full responsibility for his actions. Therefore, in cases of disclosure of such data, the User cannot hold the woodeneco.com liable for any damage.

8. Registering as a User

In order to create an account on the woodeneco.com website, the User is obliged to use a valid e-mail address. woodeneco.com may refuse the application for registration in situations where it finds that it has used information that does not comply with reality or uses the services in a way that does not comply with normal usage.

9. Price

The final price paid by the Client consists of the price of the product + the related shipping and/or collection expenses. Delivery prices are detailed on the site.

All prices related to the products and services sold through the site woodeneco.com are quoted in EURO.

10. Order

In order to be able to make the Order, the User must set the preferred details of the Order (where to be delivered, the shipping method and the method of payment) in the User account, and these settings will be retained and used for each Order with a click. These settings can be changed at any time.

By completing the Order, the Customer guarantees that all the data provided are real and correct, otherwise he could bear the consequences of these errors (Delayed Order, wrongly transmitted, etc.).

woodeneco.com cannot be held liable for erroneously entered information, from which delivery delays may arise. In this context, all shipping charges incurred in order to re-dispatch the Order will be the responsibility of the Client.

By completing the Order, the Customer agrees that a representative woodeneco.com to contact him by any available means agreed by the Parties (e-mail / telephone) for the personal confirmation of the Order, in cases where such confirmation is required.

For the comfort and safety of the Customer, there is the option that for 30 minutes after placing an Order to cancel the Order. Thus, if the User who placed an Order by mistake or reversed the decision, the Order can be canceled within 30 minutes after placing it.

woodeneco.com may refuse an Order following a prior notification addressed to the Client, without any obligations between the parties and without a party being able to claim damages, for the following situations:

- failure / invalidation of the online transaction (if applicable);

- non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the Client's card / transaction;

- incomplete or incorrect data of the Client;

- the Client's activity may cause damage to the woodeneco.com site;

- consecutively failed deliveries;

- other objective reasons: if the Client does not guarantee that the payment method is valid and that it is not obtained by a fraudulent method or there are suspicions regarding the payment method.

Even if he has taken all measures for the information presented on this site to be accurate and correct, woodeneco.com cannot be liable for inaccuracies that may occur in the Customer's completion of the forms on the site for completing the Order. Users are responsible for evaluating the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information provided in the forms available on this site.

In certain situations, and for justified reasons, the woodeneco.com reserves the right to modify the quantity of Goods and / or Services in the Order. In these situations, woodeneco.com will notify the Customer at the e-mail address or at the phone number made available to the Seller when making the Order and will return the amount paid.

The contract is considered concluded between the Client and the Seller at the time of receipt by the Client from the woodeneco.com, of the notification of dispatch of the Order.

If a Good and / or Service ordered by the Client cannot be delivered by the woodeneco.com, we undertake to inform the Client of this fact and to return to the Client's account the value of the Good and / or Service, within a maximum of 14 days from the date on which the woodeneco.com became aware of this fact or from the date on which the Client expressly expressed his intention to terminate the Contract.

11. Invoicing – payments

The price, the payment method and the payment term are specified in the Order. The Seller will issue to the Client an invoice for the delivered Products and Services, the Client's obligation being to provide all the information necessary for the issuance of the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force.

The payment can be made by cash on delivery at the courier or online with the card having a secure connection through the EUPLATESC.ro payment processor.

12. Warranty

Any product purchased from the woodeneco.com site can be replaced provided that it is proved that they have technical failures in production. IMPKONSEPT S.R.L. does not assume the responsibility to replace the damaged products due to the customer's fault.

All other provisions contained in the legislation in force, regarding the guarantee of the products sold, are valid. The clients' rights are those stipulated in the legislation in the field.

13. Delivery

The estimated delivery date may vary depending on the product, and is displayed on the product page, on the Order page as well as in the e-mail or phone confirming the Order.

For all product categories, the maximum delivery time is 10 days from the date of order confirmation.

For customers abroad, the final price of the Order will be communicated by e-mail or phone, and the delivery will be made after explicitly accepting this price.

Attention! Due to the very short processing time of orders, it is impossible to make changes to the Orders already placed.

If the products are unavailable (including if the price or some characteristics of the products have undergone changes subsequent to the confirmation of the Order), the Customer will be informed about the unavailability and the amounts he has paid will be refunded within 14 days. The Customer can confirm the changes made regarding the price or the characteristics of the products, thus modifying the initial Order, and IMPKONSEPT S.R.L. will deliver the products according to the Order thus modified.

14. Delivery conditions

If the Customer is unable to receive the Order personally, the Order will be left at the address specified only to a person older than 18 years and only in case of communication to the Courier of the Order number.

No request for delivery of an Order will be honored if the Customer does not meet the above conditions. In case of delivery to the Client's workplace, in which case the Courier cannot have access to the respective location, the Client must ensure that he can receive this Order.

The Customer will be contacted by phone by the Courier in advance in order to obtain confirmation of his presence at the address and time selected at the time of validation of the Order on the site.

The customer is obliged to be present at the indicated delivery address, within the selected time interval, otherwise he will bear the transport fee related to a possible new delivery. The time interval can be changed, after the selection, only with the courier's consent.

The delivery is considered to be fulfilled by the woodeneco.com, at the time of handing over the Ordered products to the Customer at the address selected by him at the time of placing the Order.

15. Receiving of the products

The Customer is obliged to sign the delivery note (AWB) presented by the Courier or the Romanian Post upon delivery of the ordered products, to which is attached the fiscal receipt containing all the information about the delivered products (product name, quantity, price). Also, the Customer will check if the products are damaged or if there are any shortages, and any problems will be mentioned in a handwritten manner on the delivery note, in order to be taken into account.

By signing the delivery note, the Customer recognizes the receipt in good conditions and in full of the Ordered products.

16. Interruption of the promotional campaign

In the case of a promotional campaign organized by the woodeneco.com, as an organizer reserves the right to interrupt the Promotional Campaign at any time during its development, with the prior information of the consumers by appropriate means of communication (displaying on the site, signaling in the online store, etc.).

The organizer reserves the right to modify any of the conditions set out in the rules of the respective campaign, during the campaign period, for good reasons, but not before notifying the public about these changes.

17. Cancellation, refusal, return of the order

Ways and terms of returning the products

The Customer undertakes to notify the woodeneco.com his intention to return the purchased products, by e-mail to the comenzi@woodeneco.com or by phone at +40749.417.736 within a maximum of 30 calendar days from the receipt of the products. Otherwise, the woodeneco.com may refuse the package.

The necessary information to be provided woodeneco.com for sending the courier are the following:

- the date of dispatch of the package;

- order number;

- the amount to be returned;

- the address from where the courier is going to pick up the return package;

- the desired payment method (bank account details or shopping voucher equivalent to the amount of returned products).

Upon receipt of the information regarding the customer's return intention, the woodeneco.com makes a request to the courier and sends the courier to the address indicated in the customer's communication in order to pick up the package to be returned.

The shipping costs of the returned package(s) are the responsibility of the Client.

18. Conditions for returning the products

In any situation of returning the products, they must be in the same condition in which they were sent to the Customer, in the original packaging, with the labels intact and together with all the documents that accompanied it (the invoice). The returned products must be in the same condition as at receival: without defects (except for hidden defects and except for the defects already reported by the Client in the correspondence with the woodeneco.com).

In accordance with the law in force, the woodeneco.com reserves the right not to accept the return of products that have been damaged due to the Client.

Returns are not accepted if the products meet at least one of the following conditions:

- unauthorized interventions have been performed on the product;

- have damaged or incomplete packaging;

- have traces of wear or excessive use;

- mechanical/electrical scratches or shocks;

- do not have all the accessories received in the package;

- any type of inscription on the product box was made;

20. Money back terms

For full returns of orders, the Customer receives the money related to the returned products and the cost of the transport initially paid within 14 calendar days from the date on which the woodeneco.com is informed by the customer about his decision to return the products.

After validating the return, the customer can receive, at his choice, the value of the products in the form of a voucher that he will be able to use within 30 days from the date of confirmation of receipt of the return by the woodeneco.com. After this date the coupon loses its validity.

20. Major force

None of the contractual parties can be held liable for non-performance (total /partial) or late execution of its obligations, if they were caused by major force. The parties shall immediately inform themselves of the major force case and shall take all necessary measures to limit the consequences of the event.

If within 15 days the major force event does not cease, the parties have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract without claiming damages.

Major force will be proven according to the law.

21. Conflict resolution. Applicable law

The contract will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the Romanian law. Any conflict between the woodeneco.com and the Clients will be resolved amicably. If this is not possible, the first way to solve it is mediation, according to the law, and if it fails, it is appealed to the competent Romanian courts of the Client's domicile.

22. Fraud

Creating multiple accounts using such addresses automatically generated and expiring after a predefined period, in order to benefit from promotions or offers, or any fraudulent behavior able to affect the smooth running of campaigns, is forbidden and will be considered an attempted fraud. The owner of the site woodeneco.com reserves the right to suspend the accounts thus created and to withdraw the benefits related to the promotions or offers in progress, to cancel the account without notice, notification, other formalities or compensation.

Any attempted fraud or any fraud (such as but not limited to: accessing customer data woodeneco.com, altering the content of the site, attempting to affect the performance of servers woodeneco.com, hijacking the content of deliveries to third parties, etc.) will be punished according to the criminal law.

Updated on 06.07.2022: S.C. IMPKONSEPT S.R.L – woodeneco.com.